Step-By-Step Reset: How to Reset From A Bad Mood Moment
/Step 1: Become an astronaut:
Take some time and space (get by yourself somewhere quiet)
Step 2: Check in:
What feelings are you experiencing in your body? This will help you to detect, decipher, and determine emotions
Step 3: Become your own narrator:
Try to identify what triggered you, and then your emotional reaction to the trigger. Then try to picture how you would like a future version of you to handle a situation like this.
Step 4: Feel the feels:
Then settle into the feelings, don’t try to suppress them or distract yourself from them.
Sink into the feelings and emotions and turn them up to full volume. Give them permission to be felt before being released. You don’t need to hang onto them now that you have identified a new and better way to handle them. Give them permission to be let go.
Step 5: Let go:
Imagine each one dissolving into a colorful mist while evaporating and floating away in the sky